
Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model

CROCO, Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model

CROCO is a modeling platform to study the regional, coastal and nearshore ocean (ocean dynamics, sedimentary dynamics, biogeochemistry) on time scales ranging from event to multi-decadal, and spatial scales ranging from kilometric to metric resolutions. CROCO’s flexible equation system, including non-hydrostatic capabilities, and its computational efficiency enable it to simulate very fine scales (especially in the coastal area up to individual waves), and their interactions with larger scales. It is the oceanic component of a complex coupled system including various components, e.g., atmosphere, surface waves, marine sediments, biogeochemistry and ecosystems.
CROCO is also dedicated to carrying out academic simulations (simple geometry, well-targeted processes to digitally mimic controlled experiments) for more fundamental research in geophysical fluid mechanics with LES (Large Eddy Simulation) or even DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) simulation capabilities, that can be used in the context of creating digital twin experiments, study complex dynamic regimes or sub-grid scale parameterizations.
CROCO comes with pre- and post-processing tools that make it easy and efficient to set up and analyze model configurations, even for complex geometries and coupled models.


CROCO-Sud ( is an International Research Network, companion of the CROCO Research Group. This IRD-supported network aims to strengthen ties between the French CROCO community and global South partners by organizing workshops, and training sessions.



New release CROCO v2.0.1

Mailing list & Forum

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croco-usersNO SPAM -- FILTER@NO SPAM --

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To unsubscribe, simply send an email to sympa_inriaNO SPAM -- FILTER@NO SPAM -- with the subject: unsubscribe croco-usersNO SPAM -- FILTER@NO SPAM --

Visit CROCO users forum for discussions, and questions about the code and tools


See the list of CROCO developers
