#1 CROCO User Meeting Toulouse, May 2017
May 2017, Toulouse, France
First CROCO User Meeting at Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées in Toulouse.
Some of the presentations can be downloaded there.
Monday, May 22: CROCO Overview
- Philosophy behind CROCO (R. Benshila, F.Dumas)
- Detailed introduction of the code (R. Benshila)
- CROCO numerics (F. Lemarie)
- Non-hydrostatic option 1 (F. Auclair, L. Bordois)
- Non-hydrostatic option 2 (G. Roullet)
- Multi-grid and HPC (L. Debreu)
- Coupling (S. Jullien)
- Near-shore capabilities (R. Benshila)
Tuesday, May 23: Applications
- An example of ROMS/CROCO regional and realistic simulation around southern Africa : Set-up, run and downscaling capabilities (G. Cambon)
- Modulation of Western Boundary Currents by Oceanic Current Interactions with theAtmosphere (L. Renault)
- The interannual variability of the South Vietnam upwelling (D. Nguyen Dac, M. Herrmann, R. Morrow1, F. Nino, Nguyen Minh Huan2 Nguyen Quoc Trinh)
- Introduction of the effects of a barrier reef in the CROCO model for the modeling of lagoon hydrodynamic circulation: Example of the Tulear Lagoon (Madagascar) (M. Sow, C. Chevalier, B. Ali Sow , J.L.Devenon)
- Parametrization of the wave effect on the cross-reef flux for lagoon modeling: case of the Ouano lagoon in New Caledonia. (F. Locatelli, M. Sow, C. Chevalier, J.-L. Devenon, D. Sous)
- Interannual evolutions of (sub)mesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Biscay (G. Charria, S. Theetten, F. Vandermeirsch, O. Yelekçi and N. Audiffren)
- Overview of operational modelling and modelling downstream services at the Marine Institute, Ireland. (T. Dabrowski, K. Lyons, I. Mamoutos, E. O’Rourke)
- Some applications of the MUSTANG sediment model (B. Thouvenin, F. Grasso, P. Le Hir, R. Verney, B. Mengual)
- Needs and expectations from the CROCO project from a benthic ecologist perspective (Based on a synthesis of past and Ongoing applications of MARS3D for ecological modelling At LEBCO, IFREMER). (M. Marzloff, P. Cugier, A. Menesguen, Y. Thomas)
- Anthropogenic very Short Lived Halocarbons (VSLH) from seaweed farming in South East Asian region (A. K. Yadav)
- Linking the traits diversity of autotrophic plankton to the environment forcing in coastal waters with coupled biological/physical models. (M. Sourisseau, M. Cadier, L. Memery, T. Gorgues, G. Le Gland, V. Le Guennec, A. Chapelle, M. Plus)
- On teaching ocean numerical modelling – lessons from the classroom (A. Sepulveda, O. Artal)
Organizing Committee
Pr. Eric Chassignet, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Rachid Benshila, Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS)